About the Central Committee
The Monroe County Democratic Party County Central Committee is the official Democratic Party leadership in our community. As a component of our Congressional District and State, The Central Committee is part of the Indiana Democratic Party. Likewise, the Indiana Democratic Party is a part of the Democratic National Committee. From the DNC down to the precinct level, each committee is part of the Democratic Party in the United States.
The Central Committee is composed of Precinct Chairpersons (PCPs) and Precinct Vice-Chairpersons (PVCP). PCPs have a critical role to play in representing the party, from voter registration and mobilization to developing long-lasting rapport among voters in their neighborhoods and the Party. PCPs, as voting members of the Central Committee, also vote in caucus to elect party leadership and fill Democratic Party-held vacancies of elected positions that may occur before the end of a term.
PCPs are elected on the Democratic Party Primary Ballot in by-election years between Gubernatorial elections, often called the "Midterms." PCPs are elected to a four-year term. The most recent election of the County Committee was on May 3, 2022.
The next election of the Central Committee is May 5, 2026.
PVCPs are appointed by a PC by the third Wednesday of the month of the Midterm Democratic Primary. Vacancies, uncontested PCs, and PVCPs not appointed after the 10-day period are appointed by Monroe County Democratic Party Chair and serve at the pleasure of the chair. All PCs and PVCPs terms expire at the next election of the PCs.
The Monroe County Democratic Party believes Precinct Chairs and Vice Chairs are transparent positions in our community. We share our Central Committee information with the public as part of our commitment to transparency and support of our prospective candidates. We advocate for all state and county central committees to do so in the same spirit.