Meet Your Executive Committee
David G. Henry (he/him)
Efrat Rosser (she/her)
Ashley Pirani (she/they)
Karen Wrenbeck (she/her)
Isabella Frieze, Social Media Director
Damian Arambula, Communications Director
Shayla George, Political Outreach and Advocacy Director
Ellie Cordell, Volunteer Coordinator
Sydney Zulich, Coordinated Campaign Director.
Deputy Chairs
Ed Robertson, Principal Deputy Chair/Headquarters Director
Chrissie Geels, Deputy Chair of Precincts
Sam Ujdak, Deputy Chair, Strategy and Party Infrastructure
Ryan Still, Deputy Chair for Rural Engagement
Wes Martin, Deputy Chair for Labor Relations
Election Board
John Fernandez, Election Board President and Democratic Representative
Vote Center Study Committee Appointees
Ilana Stonebraker, Committee Chair
Zoe Harris, College Democrats Appointee
Steve Volan
Orion Saft, Election Day Supervisor and Poll Recruiter
Hon. Shelli Yoder, Indiana Democratic Party Deputy Chair for Recruitment, Indiana Senate Minority Leader
Hon. Nicole Bolden, Indiana Democratic Party Deputy Chair for Cities and Towns
Hon. Sydney Zulich, National Committeeperson for Indiana, Young Democrats of America, Ninth District Democratic Party Deputy Chair for Training
Hon. Peter Iversen, Ninth District Democratic Party Deputy Chair for Finance