December 20, 2024

Dear Monroe County Democratic Party Monroe County Committeepersons,

Notice of Caucus to Fill Vacancy

Pursuant to Indiana State Democratic Party Bylaws and Indiana Code, and in accordance with the

vacancy caused by untimely death of Cheryl Munson, the Monroe County Democratic Central

Committee Precinct Committeepersons in Monroe County will hold an in-person only Vacancy

Caucus to appoint pro tempore the public office of Monroe County Council At-Large Councilperson.

January 5, 2025 1:00 PM


100 W. Kirkwood Ave

Bloomington, Indiana 47404

Efrat Rosser, Vice Chair Presiding Officer

Registration of eligible precinct chairpersons and those eligible vice precinct committee chairpersons serving as proxy as voting members for the caucus shall begin at 12:30PM and all members are encouraged to arrive on time. Proposed rules for the Caucus will be emailed to the caucus members, and will be acted upon as the first order of business.

Interested candidates must file a declaration of candidacy and a statement of interest with the Party Secretary no later than 72 hours before the caucus at 1:00 PM on January 2, 2025. No candidacy will be accepted after the deadline. Interest may be mailed or emailed to: Attn: Ashley Pirani, In the event of a contested race, eligible caucus members should expect a meeting lasting at least 3 hours.

Thank you for your continued service to our party and the citizens of Monroe County. If you have any questions regarding this meeting, please contact me at 812-727-7899 or email


David G. Henry

Chair, Monroe County Democratic Party

CEB-5 Candidate Form